Spring 2015 Recital
All of the dancers did a spectacular job at our recital! Here are the pictures and dances!
Monday 4:30-Tap-Rockin' Robin
Monday 4:30-Ballet-Sleeping Beauty's Waltz
Monday 9:30-Ballet-Bibbity Bobbity Boo
Monday 9:30 Tap-Itty Bitty Ditty
Thursday 4:30-Ballet-Butterfly Etude
Thursday 4:30-Tap-If My Friends Could See Me Now
Thursday 9:30-Ballet-Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Thursday 9:30-Tap-Trashin' the Camp
Thursday 10:30-Ballet-The Tooth Fair Loves Ballet
Thursday 10:30-Ballet-Almost There
Thank you for a GREAT 2015 Spring Season!
See you in the Fall!