Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dance Recital, May 2011

May 21st was our FIRST dance recital! We had so much fun and the girls did GREAT!!
Rockin' R was SO generous to let us come use their stage, and we had a GREAT time!
Here are some pictures of these great girls!

Here is one of my classes...
"Hey Good Lookin"
 Aren't these aprons so CUTE!! One of the mom's made them!! Great job!! I also had a GREAT Mom make a few bows for me too!!

 Check out these super cute dancers!!
 These girls also did their ballet dance to "On the Good Ship Lollipop" Cute little sailors!
"Animal Crackers" This is my Thursday 9:30 class. They are my youngest group and SO cute!
These little girls did such a great job singing and dancing! SO CUTE!

They also did a cute dance named "Bringing Home my Baby Bumblebee" It was SO adorable!

These cute girls did their tap dance to "Broadway Baby". (Lexi is in this class!) They looked so cute with their sparkles and feather boas!!
"I'm just a Broadway baby......."

For Ballet they did "Let's Go Fly a Kite"

These are my oldest girls. They did their tap dance to "Let's Get Together" Love the super cute sparkly hats!!
Let's get together, right away.....
 Let's Get together....yeah yeah yeah!!

 They did their ballet dance to "Truly Scrumptious"

 and finish!
 Thank you SO much to all of the girls and their families!! You did GREAT! We will see you in the fall!

Rockin' R Ranch had offered us a great deal to come back that night, so some of us went back, and the kids had a BLAST!! We had fun with all of the pre-dinner activities, then the show, then the gun fight. It was GREAT!!  Check them out!!


The Kemptons said...

So So cute. They all did such a great job. Thanks for all the hard work Liz.

Shelley said...

What cute dancers!! We are so proud of the great job you've done with your dance classes. Way to go!! If only I had a daughter :)

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness Liz, these girls are beyond adorable!!!

Amy said...

How did I not know you teach dance?? I was a dance teacher for two years! But that was, like, ten years ago. I miss it though!

Very cute little dancers!

We are the delightfully happy Denhalters said...

Hi Liz, do you have a site where you have your sons story?

Very cute pictures by the way:)